Juz 1 Vocab Course

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Qur'aan Course covers the twelve areas below: 
(Resources and references used are listed at the end of this post).

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1. Vocabulary Analysis

2. Grammatical Analysis

3. Vocab practice sheets

4. Vocab tests

5. Tafseer Questions based on Summarized Ibn Katheer

6. Tafseer Benefits Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al 'Uthaymeen

7. Tafseer Benefits Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan

8. Tafseer Benefits Shaykh Abdir Rahmaan bin Naasir as Sa'dee

9. Study Overview for the set portion (based on Sh Ghudayaan's Advice)

10. Allaah's Names

11. Grammar

12. Miscellaneous

Worksheets are uploaded gradually

Shaykh Ghudayaan's advice regarding memorization (summarized)

Suratul Faatihah Correct Recitation vs. Mistakes made in Recitation

1. Vocabulary Analysis

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

2. Grammatical Analysis

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

3. Vocab practice sheets

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

4. Vocab tests

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

5. Tafseer Questions based on Summarized Ibn Katheer

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

Tafseer Answers

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5

6. Tafseer Benefits Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al 'Uthaymeen

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

7. Tafseer Benefits Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

8. Tafseer Benefits Shaykh Sa'dee

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5

9. Study Overview for the set portion (based on Sh Ghudayaan's Advice)

Suratul Faatihah v1-7
Suratul Baqarah v1-5
Suratul Baqarah v6-10

10. Allaah's Names

11. Grammar

12. Miscellaneous

Resources Used:


Tafseer Ibn Katheer        PDF 1              PDF 2

Tafseer Ibn katheer android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simpleappandroid.tafsiribnkathir

Tafseer Ibn Katheer explained by Abu Hakeem Click Here.

Tafseer Suratul Faatihah by Shaykh Uthaymeen audio translated by Moosa Richardson. Click Here.
Troid- scroll down. There are 3 parts nearly 3 and a half hours of explanation.

Tafseer Suratul Faatihah by Shaykh Uthaymeen written translation by Abu az Zubayr Steven Harrison. Click Here.

Some of the Books Recommended by Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ghudayaan: